Raw Natural Indian Wave

Experience flawless blending, unbelievable movement, incredible bounce, natural movement, and versatile styling with every wear. 
About Organic Collection

We deeply value the strength and resilience resides in every woman, celebrating their unyielding spirit and relentless pursuit of a better life.

We honor everyone's unwavering determination to create harmonious families and communities, showcasing to the world a continuously evolving, better self.

With this ethos in mind, the Organic Collection meticulously selects the finest raw hair to perfectly match every texture needed. It serves not just as an adornment, but as a reflection of your resilient soul, echoing the grace and strength that defines you.

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Hair Source

Indian hair is famous for its quality, versatility, and durability. It is highly sought after in the hair extension industry due to its natural texture, which can range from straight to curly.

Among all, India natural wavy is highly valued in the hair extension industry for its natural waves, which can range from loose waves to tighter curls, depending on the donor. Indian raw wavy hair is prized for its versatility, durability, and ability to blend seamlessly with different hair types, making it a popular choice among individuals seeking natural-looking hair extensions.

Key Features


Origin: India

The Best Hair Type: Raw is always the well-acknowledged best hair in the market.

Heat Resilience: Better heat endurance than any of the rest virgin hair and remy hair in the market thanks to the raw natural hair.

The More Natural and Voluminous Look: Medium-low luster for a natural and realistic appearance.
The longest strand is 2 inches longer than the length you choose to guarantee a more voluminous and natural look.

Easy Maintainence: Easy to style and re-usable, offering exceptional longevity of 3-5 years or more with proper care and maintenance.
The least tangle-free and minimal shedding.

Weight: Each bundle weighs 3.5 ounces.

Advised Quantity:
To achieve flawless coverage, 1-2 packs are recommended for lengths under 18", and 3+ packs for lengths 20" and longer, ensuring a full and luxurious appearance.


Products in unused condition can be returned within seven days of purchase. Returned products must be unused with product tags attached to qualify for a return.

Even though, we challenge you to be unsatisfied about our products!


Can I use heat on this straight hair and will it hold a curl?

Yes, you can style your straight hair into curls with a curling iron! Use a lower heat setting and a heat protectant. Additionally, heat styling can be harsh on straight hair and it's always a good idea to take breaks, let your hair rest, and incorporate heat-free styling methods into your routine such as braids, buns, or hair accessories.

Can I dye it?

Yes! All the curticle of our hair is naturally full, which means they are easy to absorb colors and could be bleached to light tones and colored as you wish. But we strongly recommend you ask for experts' help since raw hair is of great value and some harmful content may damage the raw hair.

What maintenance is required for machine wefts?

Machine wefts require regular maintenance in order to keep them looking and functioning their best.

Here are a few tips for maintaining machine wefts:

Brush the extensions regularly to prevent tangling and matting. Use a wide-toothed comb or a brush specifically designed for extensions to avoid causing damage.
Keep the extensions clean by washing them with sulfate-free shampoo and conditioner. Be careful not to apply product to the roots or the area where the weft is attached to your natural hair.

Avoid using too much heat on the extensions, such as straighteners or curling irons. If you do use heat, use a heat protectant and try to keep the temperature low.
Keep the extensions away from chemicals, such as hair dyes, perms, and relaxers, as these can cause damage to the extensions.
Avoid sleeping with wet hair, let your hair dry completely before going to bed. Also, use a satin pillowcase to avoid friction.

Get regular maintenance on your extensions. It's a good idea to see a stylist every 4-6 weeks to keep the extensions in good condition.

By following these guidelines and taking good care of your machine wefts, you can help them last longer and maintain their quality.

Remember, when you take care of your extensions, they take care of you!